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대학원 공지사항

대학원 공지사항
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제 279차 한림의학세미나(의과학세미나) 개최 - 11월 7일(화) 16시
작성자 관리자 날짜 2017-10-30 10:40:29 조회수 1464
◎ 제 279차 한림의학세미나 개최 ◎

▶ 일 시 : 2017. 11. 07(화) 16시

▶ 장 소 : 대학원의학과 세미나실(의학관 5층 3506호실)

▶ 연 자 : 권호정 교수(연세대학교 생명시스템대학)

▶ 주 최 : 의과학연구소 / 미생물학교실

▶ 강의제목 : Target protein identification and validation of bioactive small molecules
Many efforts have focused on target identification of bioactive small molecules from phenotypic screens to explore mechanisms of action (MOA) of small molecules and target proteins towards cellular and medical applications. We have developed Multi-Omics based Target Identification and Validation (MOTIV) for harnessing target identification of bioactive small molecules. MOTIV includes a direct affinity-based target protein identification using phage display biopanning or Drug Affinity Responsive Target Stability (DARTS), an indirect genomics-based profiling using yeast ORFeome, and combinations of computational network analysis and validations of these target candidates leading to identification of the biologically relevant target proteins and cellular mechanism of small molecules of interest. We have applied this approach to explore MOA of bioactive small molecules from phenotypic screens of angiogenesis and autophagy. This interaction information of small molecule and target protein facilitates structure based better drug development and functional annotation of target protein as well. Furthermore, integration of MALDI-MS imaging technology with chemical proteomics will enable to validate the interaction of label-free small molecule with target protein in tissue that harnesses the preclinical studies of small molecules. In this presentation, our recent studies on target identification of existing drugs for harnessing new functional studies and translational applications will be presented by introducing our case studies of new target identification of FK506 and other small molecules.

▶ Education and Training
1980-1984 BS Seoul National University
1990-1992 MS The University of Tokyo, Dept. of Biotechnology
(Mentor: Teruhiko Beppu)
1992-1995 PhD The University of Tokyo, Dept. of Biotechnology ( “ )
1995-1998 Post Doc Harvard University, Dept. of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
(Mentor: Stuart Schreiber)

▶ Academic Appointments :
2005-present Yonsei University, Korea Associate/Full Professor
Dept. of Biotechnology Chair of the Department
2014-present Yonsei University, College of Medicine Professor (Adjunct)
Dept. of Internal Medicine
2011-present Institute of Pasteur, Korea (IPK) Science Board Member
2011-2012 Stanford University, USA Visiting Professor
Dept. of Chemical & Systems Biology
1999-2005 Sejong University, Korea Assistant/Associate Professor
Dept. of Biotechnology Chair of the Department